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by S.Y. Agnon, adapted by Yael Valier


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Theater and Theology was invited to present an original adaptation of S.Y. Agnon's novella, The Outcast, as part of an evening celebrating the completion by Jeffrey Saks of the S.Y. Agnon Library in 15 volumes. We were privileged to perform at the historic Tmol Shilshom Cafe, Jerusalem. The evening was arranged by Agnon House and The Toby Press. 


Scholars from the Toby Press

Editor of the series: Rabbi Jeffrey Saks

Editor in Chief, Maggid Books: Gila Fine

Illustrator: Shai Charka



Arthur Fischer

Yehuda Gellman

Sraya Goldstein

Howard Metz

Yehudah Dov Ber Zirkind

Directed by Yael Valier

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