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December 21-27, 2018

Limmud Festival


If you are going to be at the British Limmud Festival in Birmingham, catch Yael Valier's performance sessions on Off the Derech Dolorosa, Divine Right, and Mikva the Musical. Join her too for her session on the challenges of presenting Christian materials with Jewish actors for Jewish audiences - and why the challenge is worthwhile: When Jews Play Christians. See my presentation schedule here.



January 21, 2019

The Outcast & Other Tales


Cafe Tmol Shilshom, Beit Agnon & The Toby Press


An evening in honor of the publication of the 15th and final volume of the Toby Press S.Y. Agnon Library, edited by R' Jeffrey Saks.



● Theater and Theology presents a dramatized scene from The Outcast on the epic struggle between Hasidim and their opponents as played out in the heart of a young boy in Agnon’s native Buczacz. The story in Hebrew (“HaNidach”) is marking the 100th anniversary of its publication.


● Conversation between series editor Jeffrey Saks and artist and illustrator Shay Charka, moderated by renowned teacher Gila Fine: “Translating to Words and to Images: On the Challenge and Triumph of Agnon in Foreign Tongues and Media”


Monday, January 21, 2019 at 7:00pm

Tmol Shilshom Café, 5 Yoel Solomon Street, Jerusalem

By reservation only – NIS 50 for use toward your dinner: 

Tickets here.



March 1, 2019

Cultural Day 


Ratisbonne Seminary, Jerusalem


Yael Valier will be leading a workshop for Catholic seminarians and clergy in a morning of religious reflection at the Ratisbonne seminary in Jerusalem in a session based on dramatic story analysis and performance techniques. Together, we will examine texts relevant to both religions in experiential ways that will lead to insight not only into the texts but into how differently Jews and Christians experience the same materials. 



May 21, 22, June 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 2019


In a Stranger's Grave by Miriam Metzinger


Khan Theater, Jerusalem


 For tickets, go to the Tickets and Contact tab. 



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Chana Goldstein  © 2017

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Karen Feldman  © 2019/2021/2022/2023/2024

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